One month before the launch
Development updates one month before launch.
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." — Mark Twain
Same as I started working on this app some time ago - I have to start somewhere with documenting my progress. This is my work update from the middle of development.
Before all the updates let me tell you what is "Geo Genius".
"Geo Genius" is going to be the only app you need to learn everything about Geography!
Yes, this is a big ambitious goal and I'm working towards achieving it every day.
Now, let's get back to the updates. I have one month left to launch it on Apple Store. Here is what is left to do before I submit it for review.
Update #1: Finish Final Quiz Feature
Each continent will have a final quiz where users can test their skills and learnings. Below you can see what the Final Quiz card is going to look like.
Each correct answer in the quiz will be reflected on the progress bar until user completes it to the maximum - answering all the questions correctly and getting the gold trophy.
Update #2: Connect this blog feed to one of the tabs
This blog website is perfect for any type of updates an news. It would be very useful to have this all available in the app. So far it's going to look something like this.
Update #3: Settings
Important settings like bug reports and sending user feedback need to be implemented and tested.
While this is in progress and will be released in September join the beta test group on if you want to be the first one to try it before everyone else.
This is all for now but I will be back next week with more updates and hopefully better blog posts.